Have you ever looked at Plaster Fun House figurines and thought, “I could do that”? Or maybe you think, “Wow! I wish I could do that.” Well, with our in-house workshop, a little determination and practice, you can turn those white plaster figurines into tasteful masterpieces.

Please download our workshop registration form here:

and mail it to "3 Temasek Boulevard #03-011 Suntec City Mall, Singapore 038983, Attn: Workshop Sign Up" with a crossed cheque made payable to "PFH Private Limited". We'll contact you to confirm the details upon receiving your mail.
Registration Terms and Conditions:
Registration and payment for all workshop programmes must be made in person at Plaster Fun House. All fees once paid are strictly non-refundable. A registration fee is applicable for all new students of Plaster Fun House unless otherwise stated.
*All information is correct as at time of print. Above schedule and charges are subject to change at Management's discretion.